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Save the Date: 7th Annual MANC Conference

Join us for the 7th Annual MANC Conference on October 10-11, 2025, at Moore Montessori School in Southern Pines, NC. This gathering brings together Montessori educators, leaders, and advocates to connect, collaborate, and inspire one another in advancing Montessori education.

Stay tuned for more details, including keynote speakers, session topics, and registration information.

Mark your calendar and be part of this enriching experience!

For updates, visit Our Website.

"Empowering Montessori Educators, Strengthening Communities."



A Bit of Background

In 2013, as a member of the then-called ‘Triangle Montessori Heads Group,’ Kateri Carver shared with her colleagues at the annual community dinner in Cary, NC that “the whole state of North Carolina needed what this group had.” She told her peers she was going to start a state Montessori group! Over the next few months, Kateri worked with both teachers, administrators and parents from around the Triangle area to begin this vision. Today, about a decade later,  MANC is recognized by the Montessori Public Policy Initiative (MPPI) as the official Montessori Advocacy group for North Carolina. MANC has become a 501(c)3, has Board members from around the state representing diverse types of schools and ages served, has a wide membership of individuals and schools from across the state, a robust website and social media presence, a huge email distribution list and, finally, has not only hosted its first state conference in October 2019 which was a huge success, but now MANC hosts successful annual conferences around the state ever since! 

Today, MANC continues its advocacy role by supporting the highest quality Montessori education throughout the state, offers timely information and updates to its membership and hosts the annual state conference.  We are proud to serve the North Carolina Montessori community. We thank you tremendously for your support.


Making a Difference

Group Discussion


One Mission

This committee, chaired by a Board member, is responsible to the Board for proposing, prioritizing, and planning advocacy initiatives for MANC based on the results of monitoring NC and federal policy and regulations impacting the Montessori community.

Kids Painting


One Child

This committee, chaired by a Board member, is responsible for spearheading, organizing and implementing robust professional development opportunities for interested administrators, teachers, staff, parents and Montessori supporters in North Carolina.



One Voice

This committee, chaired by a Board member, is responsible for member services and networking. It is also responsible for public and internal communication. It manages all channels of communication for the organization and implements with the Board.



One Plan

This committee, chaired by a Board member, is responsible for oversight of the organization.  It addresses and adheres to organizational structure (501c3), bylaws, and mission.

“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”

Maria Montessori


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